Native versus Cross-platform Application Development: Which is Best for My Project? Mobile app development has come a long way since the first smartphones hit the market. Today, developers use one of two main approaches to creating apps for these devices: native development or cross-platform development. Both approaches remain popular with…
Sharon Muniz
Reduce technical debt and save money.
Sharon Muniz
The software industry is constantly evolving and it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. But, businesses need to stay ahead of trends to keep up with the competition and remain competitive as software continues to grow in complexity year after year. So, this article…
Sharon Muniz
NCN designs and develops an enterprise application to facilitate the regulation of hunting and fishing licenses. The Challenge The Department of Natural Resource officers needed a fast and easy way to search and validate hunting and fishing licenses in the field,to ensure they are up to date. Accessing the data…
Sharon Muniz
NCN designed and developed a sophisticated enterprise application that integrates AI, video conferencing, calendaring and analytics using Kubernetes architecture.
Sharon Muniz
Music Streaming MVP Success Story NCN was called on to build an MVP (minimum viable product). When you have a great idea, it’s best to build a minimum viable product to confirm it is a market winner. That is why NCN was approached to build an MVP for a music…
Sharon Muniz
NCN Architects and Develops a Building Assessment Application. NCN was chosen to provide enterprise application development services for a small engineering firm. The client was anticipating major updates of its internal planning and costing applications when NCN submitted a bid. These interfaces are critical for the building engineers because they…
Sharon Muniz
NCN Creates Learning Portals
Sharon Muniz
Website and Mobile application maintenance can boost your business and save money.
Sharon Muniz
How much does it cost to maintain a mobile app? We all have an idea of how much mobile app development costs. But as a leading business that experiences regular ups and downs, have you ever considered the cost of maintaining a mobile app? When a company approaches a mobile…
Sharon Muniz