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February 28, 2024 | 12:00 PM EST to 1:00 PM EST
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NCN Technology Case Study
Client: Computational Physics, Inc.
Type: Drupal Website
As a Trusted Subcontractor, NCN Technology Helps Client Shine When Trusted with a Government Contract: Meet Computational Physics, Inc.
Hiring subcontractors can be a gamble. Make the right choice, and you can expand your scope of work, serve more clients, and increase profits. Choose unwisely, however, and not only can your reputation take a hit, you could end up losing lots of money.
This was the situation Computational Physics, Inc. (CPI) faced. A valued, high-profile client (a U.S. government agency that must remain unidentified) requested CPI’s help to create a new website.
But CPI delivers cutting-edge scientific tools, resources and solutions to scientists. They specialize in analytics and instrumentation – not web design.
Focused on serving the client, yet recognizing its team’s limitations, CPI decided to subcontract the website development to a subject matter expert. Having worked with NCN Technology in the past to develop a proprietary mobile application, CPI requested a proposal and ultimately chose NCN to complete the work.
NCN kicked off the project with an in-depth conversation about what would make the website design a “success” from the client’s perspective – in this case, the government agency. NCN has learned that when serving as a subcontractor, it’s important to help the job’s “general contractor” to understand the work that NCN is doing. The more the general contractor understands, the better they are able to manage client expectations.
NCN also recognized that it was even more important to ensure that the project was completed on time and within budget. It wasn’t just our reputation on the line – it was CPI’s, as well. A weekly SCRUM meeting ensured that everyone involved with the project was kept up to date, as well as that answers and decisions were delivered promptly to avoid unnecessary delays.
One of the primary needs that NCN identified was the ability for the client to easily manage content on the new website vs. needing to rely on a web development team for updates. Having worked with Drupal for years, NCN knew firsthand that Drupal earns high marks for content management. This client agreed, and NCN built the Drupal websites for the agency – one for the agency and a second for one of its main divisions.
The project was finished on time and within budget. CPI’s client was thrilled with the end result – and CPI was thrilled that it found a reliable subcontractor it could trust.
“Hiring a subcontractor can be a risk, especially when you aren’t overly familiar with the work that the subcontractor will be performing,” says CPI… “NCN Technology was a dream to work with. They took time to help us understand what they were doing, so we could answer questions and lead the project with more confidence, without overloading us with unnecessary details. Most importantly, the project was completed on time and within budget. We enjoyed tremendous peace of mind having NCN Technology on the job, and our client was thrilled. If another opportunity like this arises, we’re calling NCN.”
Learn more about CPI here:
Could you serve more clients or expand your scope of work — IF you had a trusted subcontract by your side? Let’s talk! We love lending our expertise to help our clients shine and better serve their clients. Book a complimentary, no-obligation strategy session here.
Sharon Muniz established her software development consulting firm in Reston, VA after 15 years of working in the software industry. NCN Technology helps clients implement best practices and software to drive their business to success. Ms. Muniz is skilled at strategic planning, business process management, technology evaluation, project and agile software development methodologies.
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