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NCN Technology Awarded Prestigious DHS Contract to Enhance OPLA Recruiting Services

At NCN Technology, we are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a significant contract by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to enhance recruiting services for the Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA). This award reflects our ongoing commitment to delivering innovative technology solutions that support critical government functions,…

Sharon Muniz

October 10, 2024

Shutterfly to SharePoint: A Technological Leap Forward

At NCN Technology, we continually strive to blend innovative technology solutions with essential public services, reinforcing our commitment to service excellence. Are you looking to gain momentum using technology by moving to SharePoint? We are thrilled to share the details of a project that transformed a  client portal. This project…

Sharon Muniz

April 18, 2024

digital marketing Web Development

Tennessee Department of Transportation

Client Overview and Challenge Tennessee Department of Transportation wanted to alert travelers of road conditions that could affect their trips. The information needed to be real time and accessed on smartphone technology. TDOT needed an app that was within their budget guidelines but most importantly user friendly.  As the first State to…

Sharon Muniz

January 23, 2024

Web Development

Revolutionizing Performance Management with AI

Introduction Performance management is critical to any organization, driving employee engagement, development, and, ultimately, organizational success. However, traditional performance management processes are often bogged down by manual data collection, lengthy review cycles, and a need for actionable insights. This case study explores how NCN, a leader in AI-powered software development,…

Sharon Muniz

August 7, 2023

AI-Powered Enterprise Application Application Development Web Development

NCN’s Custom IT Consulting Service

NCN’s CTO Consulting Service Adds the PRO to the Project

Sharon Muniz

February 7, 2023


Enterprise Mobile Application

NCN designs and develops an enterprise application to facilitate the regulation of  hunting and fishing licenses. The Challenge The Department of Natural Resource officers needed a fast and easy way to search and validate hunting and fishing licenses in the field,to ensure they are up to date.  Accessing the data…

Sharon Muniz

January 11, 2023

Application Development business app mobile application mobile development

Enterprise Training Platform 

NCN designed and developed a sophisticated enterprise application that integrates AI, video conferencing, calendaring and analytics using Kubernetes architecture.

Sharon Muniz

December 30, 2022

AI Technology Application Development enterprise application development Training Web Development

NCN Builds a Mobile App for Conferences

NCN developed a mobile application conference agenda solution for a commercial client.  The app was developed in iOS, Android and Windows native technology platforms to ensure it was available across all devices. The NCN development team gave the application a cutting edge in the market by adding seamless calendaring functionality…

Sharon Muniz

December 28, 2022

enterprise application development Mobile App mobile application scheduling app