“Do something. If it works, do more of it. If it doesn’t, do something else.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt As you’re planning the future of your company, it can feel devastatingly crucial for you to make the right decision about – well – everything. What services should you offer? Which…
Sharon Muniz
There are thousands of different business tools that brands and businesses can use for exposure. However, only one provides a brand with a direct, around-the-clock connection to its customers. Have you really stopped to appreciate the significance of the branded mobile app? While they’re far from new, mobile apps continue…
Sharon Muniz
Imagine this: It’s crunch time. You’re starting a new company—or developing a new product—or expanding. It’s a season of growth for you. There are a million projects that all need your attention at the same time. You’re making decisions, analyzing data, and keeping a weather eye to the future. Staying…
Sharon Muniz
Pre-mortems. Ever heard of them? Likely not. However, everyone who’s watched a medical drama knows what a postmortem is: A respectful examination a pathologist performs to learn more about a specific individual’s condition after the fact. Everyone learns. Everyone benefits. (Except, perhaps, for the deceased individual.) Let’s flip that concept…
Sharon Muniz
It’s 2020. There’s a global pandemic. As many choose to stay at home, consumers are turning more and more to online shopping to get what they need. The stats are overwhelmingly indicative: According to Adobe Analytics, 2020 online sales will surpass total 2019 sales by October. BigCommerce notes that between…
Sharon Muniz
The simple solution is usually the right one. This is a true statement. (It’s also a bit boring.) This is Occam’s razor, and it applies to the scientific process, detective work, and product development. However, it doesn’t often organically relate to the way CEOs tend to think. As entrepreneurs, we’re…
Sharon Muniz
“I don’t know about you people, but I don’t want to live in a world where someone else makes the world a better place better than we do.” — HBO’s Silicon Valley One idea. Instant millionaires. It’s the dream, right? Perhaps this has happened in the past. And it’s certainly…
Sharon Muniz
Which CMS Is Best, WordPress or Drupal? Your CMS or content management system needs to empower you as an online business. Content reigns supreme online, and if you’re hoping to increase traffic to your website, improve conversion rates or position yourself as an industry expert, content marketing will be a…
Sharon Muniz
When problems arise, we tend to look for the easiest solutions. Is that always the best strategy? Likely, not. As any doctor can tell you, quick-fixes may work. Or, they might only address surface-level symptoms. They might do nothing to improve your overall health. The longer you ignore the real…
Sharon Muniz
“The surprising question we get is, ‘How many people telecommute at Google?’ And our answer is, ‘As few as possible.’” —Patrick Pichette In 2013, Google’s CFO Patrick Pichette was making headlines. At a time when most companies were investing in remote work, Pichette strongly believed that the best work…
Sharon Muniz