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Ideas to Build an Uplifting, Engaging Presence on Social Media in 2021

Are you wondering how your business can interact on social media in effective, positive ways in 2021? The waters of social media are more challenging to navigate than ever before! Unfortunately, the social space in social media can become contentious quickly! This can make some brands feel reluctant to participate….

Sharon Muniz

Are You Building a Customer Profile Yet?

  Do you have a customer profile for 2021? A customer profile is one of the best techniques for effectively refining your messaging. Many brands simply create content, landing pages and click funnels without necessarily knowing who they are selling to. This is where a customer profile comes in!  …

Sharon Muniz

Should You Consider Influencer Marketing in 2021?

  Influencer marketing has been the domain of “big” companies for the past few years. At NCN, one of the big questions we get from our small and medium-sized clients has to do with the benefits of influencer marketing for niche brands and companies. While this is a personal decision,…

Sharon Muniz

Big Tips for User Retention/Loyalty on Your App or Mobile Site: Part II

It takes being loyal to inspire loyalty. Do your customers feel like you’re loyal to them? You can easily turn a mobile site or app into a loyalty vehicle that boosts user retention. Loyalty programs have been around for decades! We’ve all held on to punch cards for the promise…

Sharon Muniz

Big Tips for User Retention on Your App or Mobile Site: Part 1

Big tips for user retention on your app or mobile site. How do you keep users coming back for more once you’ve launched a new site or mobile app? It’s the question on the mind of every marketer and business owner moving into the digital space for the first time….

Sharon Muniz

Don’t Assume Your Core Market Is Too Old for Apps in 2021

Apps aren’t just for kids! This is really the theme for 2021 for anyone in the tech sphere. Yes, apps like TikTok and Snapchat get tons of publicity because of what the “younger” crowd is doing with them. This often causes people who run businesses to assume that apps have…

Sharon Muniz

SEO 2021: How Much Will Online Search Change in 2021?

  Let’s talk 2021 SEO trends. This is a look ahead to the ways people will be finding your brand in the next 12 months. Even brands that are content with their SEO strategies from 2020 can benefit from some era-specific tweaks. The way that people browse and shop online…

Sharon Muniz

What Will Websites Be Like in 2021?

What will websites be like in 2021? The exciting thing about digital landscapes is that they both influence and reflect culture. As a result, a website can be like a mirror into the present. It’s clear to see that the happenings of 2020 will significantly influence the digital updates of…

Sharon Muniz

Why Your Business Needs an Environmental-Responsibility Statement for 2021

Does your brand have an environmental-responsibility statement? This should be a priority objective for 2021 if you haven’t drafted one yet. Countless studies are showing that people are actively choosing brands that make their sustainability efforts more transparent.he findings of a recent survey regarding customer attitudes toward brands that practice…

Sharon Muniz

Build your website business digital marketing Digital Marketing Trends entrepreneur environmental statement website

3 Ways to Connect With Your Customers in 2021

This year is going to present fresh opportunities to connect with your clients in new ways. It may be time for a big “switch up” when it comes to some small details that have been hindering your company’s brand-client connection. Let’s look at 3 ways to connect with your customers…

Sharon Muniz

Application Development best ecommerce website Build your website business success customer experience entrepreneur