Building for Your Audience: What Makes People Love Apps?

Sharon Muniz
April 21, 2021
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Building for Your Audience: What Makes People Love Apps?



Millions of apps are used by various audiences every single day. An app can quickly become a part of a person’s routine if that app provides value. What is it that makes certain apps like candy to people? It turns out it’s not an accident. Certain app features make it easier and more satisfying to engage with apps. If you’re considering having an app built, it’s helpful to know what makes successful apps tick towards your audience.


It’s Stable


This is the most fundamental principle of creating a good app! You often don’t get a second chance to impress an audience if your app crashes. People are far too protective of their devices and personal data to deal with apps that appear to cause system issues.


It Solves a Problem


Ultimately, your app needs to offer a solution. While it doesn’t have to be a life-changing solution to some major issue plaguing the world, it should add convenience and value to a person’s life. A very simple example would be an app offered by a restaurant that allows you to book your reservation online while also selecting your table based on the layout of the dining room. A person who hates being seated next to the bathroom can now look forward to their evening dinner plans without worry!


It Doesn’t Require Directions


Instinct is king when it comes to apps. Nobody wants to take time to learn the directions for an app like it’s a board game. Apps need to be designed with human habits in mind. If your app has a learning curve, users may not be motivated to keep using it.


It Delivers Offline Benefits


Apps with functioning offline features are great for continuity! However, so many brands overlook this crucial detail. If your app is still usable without a connection, it’s simply more practical for someone who may not keep their phone connected at all times. Even people who live with slow, flickering data speeds will appreciate that your app functions just fine for them! The same goes for people who travel a lot!


These secrets only represent the tip of the iceberg for app performance. There are so many ways to create an app your audience will love through a good user experience. The bottom line is that you can’t know what’s possible until you talk it over with your future app builder!


About the Author

Sharon Muniz

Sharon Muniz established her software development consulting firm in Reston, VA after 15 years of working in the software industry. NCN Technology helps clients implement best practices and software to drive their business to success. Ms. Muniz is skilled at strategic planning, business process management, technology evaluation, project and agile software development methodologies.

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