Big Tips for User Retention/Loyalty on Your App or Mobile Site: Part II

Sharon Muniz
February 15, 2021
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Big Tips for User Retention/Loyalty on Your App or Mobile Site: Part II

It takes being loyal to inspire loyalty. Do your customers feel like you’re loyal to them? You can easily turn a mobile site or app into a loyalty vehicle that boosts user retention. Loyalty programs have been around for decades! We’ve all held on to punch cards for the promise of a free frozen yogurt or bagel from a favorite local shop. This same technique can be moved to the digital space. In fact, it’s actually more efficient and effective in the digital space because users can’t “lose” their loyalty punch cards at the bottom of a purse or jacket pocket because it goes with them wherever they take their phones!

Recognize Your Customers’ Loyalty


A digital loyalty program is a great way to grow engagement because users will need to interact with your app or mobile site to keep track of points or rewards. You can also distribute redeemable perks, coupons, discounts or payouts. Of course, it’s important to have a system that’s easy to navigate to ensure that customers understand how the process works.


Many smaller businesses feel intimidated by the idea of creating a digitally integrated rewards or loyalty program because they assume that it requires a big infrastructure. This isn’t the case at all. When having your app built, you can discuss options for building in features that can be used for amassing points. This is fairly easy to do if your app will already include a shopping cart or checkout feature. The integrated loyalty system that you use can be as simplistic as points that stack up in a “cart” with each transaction.


You might also consider a feature that applies “points” or “perks” at checkout. This adds convenience for users because they don’t need to carry over totals from another source. What’s more, the thrill of watching rewards grow can keep users coming back again and again: loyalty.


Final Thoughts 


A digitally integrated loyalty program that keeps users coming back to your app allows you to use your app more effectively. That’s because you can ensure that users will see non-rewards items like main-screen announcements, new features and promotions that are posted. Don’t assume that a loyalty program is too complex for your app plans! The right team can easily build this feature into your app for increased engagement and app-user retention.


Reach out to NCN today to learn how we can help you reward your customers’ loyalty.


About the Author

Sharon Muniz

Sharon Muniz established her software development consulting firm in Reston, VA after 15 years of working in the software industry. NCN Technology helps clients implement best practices and software to drive their business to success. Ms. Muniz is skilled at strategic planning, business process management, technology evaluation, project and agile software development methodologies.

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