3 Ways to Connect With Your Customers in 2021

Sharon Muniz
January 27, 2021
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3 Ways to Connect With Your Customers in 2021

This year is going to present fresh opportunities to connect with your clients in new ways. It may be time for a big “switch up” when it comes to some small details that have been hindering your company’s brand-client connection. Let’s look at 3 ways to connect with your customers that add value and feedback in 2021.

Lets look at 3 ways to connect with your customers that add value and feedback in 2021.

1. Show Them How You’re Adding Value in 2021

There’s no need to keep projects that you have up your sleeve for 2021 a secret from your clients. In fact, giving little peeks into what you’re whipping up can add value to your relationships with your customers. This is especially true when it comes to new technologies you’re integrating into your operations. If you’re working on bringing in some software that uses artificial intelligence (AI) in the coming year, let your clients know how excited you are to provide better service using these upgraded tools. You can also let customers know about any new updates to your e-commerce site or app planned for the months ahead. Ultimately, these little updates keep you on the minds of your clients. They also show that you’re an innovative company that’s excited to rise to new challenges by investing in your own brand!

2. Start Making Announcements When You Bring in New Talent

One of the best ways to connect with clients is to give them a glimpse into what goes on behind the scenes at your company. You’ll notice that many larger firms and companies put out “press” emails when they acquire new talent. This is something that your company can do even if it’s smaller. This practice elevates your brand in two different ways. First, it shows that you’re proud of your talent. Talent announcements also give off the impression that your company is continually expanding and growing. As a result, clients get the impression that you are certainly doing something right to be in a position to attract in-demand talent. This perception will make clients more likely to have trust in your brand.

3. Create a More Personalized Experience

With more people interacting online with brands than ever before, 2021 is the year to make a connection like never before. This is a good time for your brand to explore hyper-personal messaging if you’re not already doing this. Typically, this means sending automated follow-up emails if a visitor leaves your website without finalizing a transaction or finding what they’re looking for. If you’re a vendor, you should also consider sending automated “feedback requests” a few days after a product is scheduled to arrive. This will help to reinforce the vendor-buyer connection in a way that allows the buyer to remember your brand for the next purchase. Writing a positive review may also make a person more likely to remember to recommend your company in “real life” because it reinforces an opinion they’ve already shared.

2021 is going to be the year of connection. Make sure you’re not missing opportunities to let your customers know that you’re adapting to serve them better than ever before! It’s a sure way to inspire customers to connect back.


About the Author

Sharon Muniz

Sharon Muniz established her software development consulting firm in Reston, VA after 15 years of working in the software industry. NCN Technology helps clients implement best practices and software to drive their business to success. Ms. Muniz is skilled at strategic planning, business process management, technology evaluation, project and agile software development methodologies.

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